Choose expert heating and air conditioning technicians in Midlothian & Mansfield, TX for your AC installation

Are your energy bills sky high? Are you uncomfortable in your own home? Consider installing an energy-efficient heating and air conditioning system to correct the problem. The professionals at Moore Comfort Care Heating and Air-Conditioning install high-efficiency units that end up paying for themselves in utility savings. How does that sound to you?

Call 972-723-8701 to go over your options with an expert today.

3 things to know before you install a new air conditioner

Do you think it might be time for a new air conditioner? Here are three important questions to consider before you hire an installer:

  1. What kind of system do you need? Our experienced technicians can install any make or model of air conditioner, but we recommend Amana high-efficiency units.
  2. What kind of budget are you working with? Energy-efficient systems typically cost more in the short term, but save homeowners money in the long run.
  3. How much space do you need to cool? Certain units can cool huge homes, while others can only handle individual rooms.

Bring your questions to a company that's accredited by the Better Business Bureau and trusted by homeowners all over the Midlothian, Texas area. If your air conditioner has started acting up but you're not sure whether it needs to be replaced, contact Moore Comfort Care Heating and Air-Conditioning for an honest assessment.